KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
An easy 1 hour 3 km return walk that climbs about 200 metres in altitude to a lookout.
Map Data: Google, Digital Globe, Department of Conservation (DOC).
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
This easy walk gently winds through subalpine grasslands and scrub to the Mueller Glacier Moraine Wall. The walk ends at a viewing deck with stunning views of Mt Sefton, The Footstool, Hooker Valley, Mueller Glacier Lake and Aoraki Mount Cook. This is a safe place from which to watch avalanches in Winter and Spring. We bring our lunch and settle in for some avalanche action.
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
These prickly Matagouri trees are very common here on the flat.
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
A stream burst through from the glacier lake here in 1913, damaging the original Hermitage.
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
Unstable cliff edges. Stick to the track. Do not walk beyond the wooden lookout platform.
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
KEA POINT TRACK - Aoraki Mount Cook National Park