LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
A rather unspectacular 1.3 km 45 minute loop track.
Map Data: Google, Digital Globe, Department of Conservation (DOC).
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
Bracken fern and low scrub lines the track to the lake.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
The path to the righht leads to a picnic area and viewpoint.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
The view is okay - but this is Fiordland and there are much more spectacular views just about everywhere else we look.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
If we take the loop track option, rather than just going straight back to our car and driving to somewhere more scenic, we enter the forest.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
A seat.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
The view.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
This is the scenic highlight of the forest section of this walk.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
And now the walk comes out onto the highway.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
The rest of this walk is spent walking along the roadside.
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park
LAKE MISTLETOE - Fiordland National Park